Hip Bump Sweep
A "Hip Bump Sweep" in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a basic sweep technique where a defender in closed guard position uses their hips to forcefully push against the opponent's body, disrupting their posture and causing them to fall backwards onto their back, essentially "bumping" them over to gain top position; considered one of the first sweeps a beginner learns due to its simplicity and effectiveness when executed correctly.
Key points about the Hip Bump Sweep:
Starting position:
Usually performed from a closed guard position.
The defender "crunches" up, lifting their hips towards the opponent's chest, while simultaneously using their legs to control the opponent's legs and create leverage.
To quickly transition from bottom position to top position by sweeping the opponent over.
Important aspect:
Proper timing and leverage are crucial to successfully execute the hip bump sweep.
Bump over sweep from quarter guard
The hip bump sweep can be awkward if you dont place your shoulder and side of your head on the mat. By shifting your weight to your upper body, it becomes easier to hip into your opponent and hit this technique.
Hip Movement Drills
Before you can pull off jiu jitsu techniques you must first be able to do the movements that make up a particular technique. These solo movement drills will make many of the needed BJJ movements feel natural and thus the techniques natural. Incorporate these drills into your daily warm up.
Knee bump variation of the hook sweep
Moku uses a nice knee bump to handle his opponent sprawling on his hook leg. The lowering of the body and the use of the knee returns the leverage needed to complete the sweep.
Knee bump side control escape
J glover hip switch guard pass
Jeff Glover shows an advanced hip switch guard pass in this passing video. This pass is fluid and requires proper weight shifting into the upper body allowing the legs freedom of movement.
Hip switch pass combo
Hip heavy guard pass
101 to hip switch combination pass