Scissor Sweep
The scissor sweep is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) technique that uses the legs to unbalance and sweep an opponent. It's often one of the first sweeps that beginners learn.
How to perform a scissor sweep:
Start in the closed guard position.
Open your guard.
Shift your weight to one hip.
Place one knee on your opponent's torso.
Block your opponent's other knee with your foot.
Pull your opponent's torso towards your head.
Cross your legs in a scissor motion.
Squeeze your knees as your feet touch the mat.
Gradually move your hips away from your opponent.
Straighten your knee and cross your legs.
Sweep your opponent.
Drag your opponent's arm towards you.
Transition to the mount or side control position.
The scissor sweep helps new students understand body positioning and hip mobility.
No Gi Scissor Sweep
We love the classic scissor sweep in jiu jitsu. The 2 on 1 grip is an excellent way to land this great sweep without the gi.
Scissor sweep from spider guard
Scissor sweep from closed guard
Scissor sweep to arm drag to back combo
The scissor sweep is a solid launching point for many great combinations of both submissions and sweeps. In this technique Franjinha uses the pulling back motion of his opponent to switch to an arm drag on the off arm.
Scissor sweep variation when leg is posted
Magid shows an example of how to make the scissor sweep work when your opponent steps up splitting your legs.
Hook sweep using leg scissor from half guard
Scissor sweep combo to baseball choke in BJJ
The baseball choke from the bottom has been brought back to life by players like Magid Hage who have had great success with the technique. Here Aurelleo demonstrates a sneaky set up to this powerful lapel choke.