Guillotine combinations off opponents defense
Paragon Jiu-Jitsu Masters Library
1m 12s
Matt goes over several solid options when the guillotine choke is defended and there is a need to move on. Its important to see that while maintaining control of the neck, a simple hip escape can help you regain top position or allow you to sweep your partner to the mount using the hook.
Up Next in Paragon Jiu-Jitsu Masters Library
Guillotine Pass From Seated Guard
Using the guillotine threat and control when passing is a devastating situation for your opponent to deal with. We like to create pressure on a submission threat and a pass at the same time for maximum effectiveness.
Arm drag to overhead sweep from close...
The arm drag sets up a strong back attack position which gets your training partner driving his weight into you setting up the overhead option. **Make sure you have a solid belt grip allowing you to pull your opponent onto your butterfly hook.
Arm drag to hook sweep from butterfly...
One of my all time favorite techniques from the butterfly guard which sets up the mount or back control depending on the reaction of your opponent. ***The arm drag turns your opponents shoulder line and makes it extremely difficult for them to defend the hook sweep.