Kimura finish using knees to isolate the neck preventing the spin out counter
1m 57s
Moku showing an excellent way to finish the powerful Kimura bent arm lock nogi. Pay attention to how he uses his knees to isolate and trap his opponents neck which prevents many common escapes. ***You can control a 250IB horse using neck control, take advantage of this fact when training BJJ.
Up Next in Kimura
Kimura from the half guard
SPF has a unique way to lock his quarter guard which adds a lot of power to his lower body. Pay attention to the way he hooks his feet not his ankles, which is the key to how he creates the space needed for this awesome kimura attack.
Kimura (bent armlock) off knee belly ...
Kimura combo to bicep slicer from cro...
This cross side submission is a good option when you're not able to free your opponents arm for the kimura lock. This bicep slicer is illegal in some tournaments so make sure it is legal prior to attempting in competition. Either way, everything is legal in practice so learn to finish this hold...